Friday, March 9, 2018

What do we want from our life

Wow, it's been a while since I had the time to come back to this.

Taking a break between jobs currently and thoughts just come back.

What do we want from our lives?

Having a lot of time and not much money lead me to the question above.

A friend asked me if what I currently go thru (no work, no pressure, essentially a fairly carefree life) is what I want.

A lot of people will actually say yes and admire what I am going thru.

I once thought that yes, this is what I want, to be free, to do nothing or things which I just like etc.. but in truth some of it can be slightly boring.

The days fly by and before you know it, it's nights, weekends, month ends etc...

I do think that each person will have their wants and needs.

For me I am ready to start doing something again.

Of course, that might once again change with time....  :P