Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow...

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow... that seems to be the catchphrase of the day.

It leaves me wondering how many more tomorrows we will have as a human being.

Life is short, live it for today rather than tomorrow as we won't even know whether we will wake up tomorrow.

How many of us look back with regrets at all the tomorrow we did not have or did not do?

Having said that, it's really easier said than done and of course, if something can be put off till tomorrow, is that something really actually worth doing, I wonder.

What do you think?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Been thinking a little about Karma, especially when it relates to events in my life.

Do we come into the world owing people stuff or is that just a slight defect of the character.

I know of tons of stories we commonly hear where one can simply say no and walk away, even know of a few people who are like that in real life.

Keep me wondering how do people do that so causally. I can never say no when push comes to shove. Is it just life that we come across instances when some things are meant to be or am I pushing to fate as an excuse for me just being plain weak.

Nevertheless, despite whatever the reason might be, it's the outcome that matters and something which I guess I will not be changing anytime soon.

So Destiny anybody?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Political Leanings

It's quite late over here (1130pm) so just a quick one.

Recently had been following the Malaysia elections quite a bit as quite a few of my friends are Malaysians and generally supporters of the opposition.

From the stories i gather from them as well as what i generally read on facebook, it's not going to be a fair election despite the many BERSIH (3 at last count) rallies held over the last years. All the dirty tricks appear to be out even some extremely dumb ones such as accusing the opposition that it's their fault when banners which you yourself printed turn out to be pirated of  certain other people's work.

Reading of all these keeps bringing to mind that it's really an unfair world out there and there's not much we can do about it.

I keep thinking and logic tells me that the current governing party will win especially with all the dirty tricks they are playing but some small part of me can't help but root for the underdog opposition and hope they win and prove that there is some good in the world after all.

Signing off as a hopeless idealist

PS. wonder what will happen when it comes to SG's turn come 2016

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Been two years....

Wow, been two years....

Two years, how many two years does a human being have in their lives....

Hmm... if we were to live to 90.... (people in Jap lived to 100+ but let's not be ambitious)... then we will have 45 times two years... sounds like a lot but not really...

Well, if you count it in smaller amounts... it actually translates roughly to 90*12*30*24*60*60 = 279936000 secs. Minus my age that will be about 1,710,720,000 secs... 1,710,719,999, 1,710,719,998...

One of my friends years ago gave me an idea of counting down the number of seconds we have left in our life to really see how we are losing our lives secs by secs.. morbid i know but still...

Anyway, this is just to say..i


Decided on a whim to start writing a bit again..hopefully, ok, well... this time will make it last...